The Filipino Family. Now in a capsule.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Filial Fraternity

Cell Phones
They say the Philippines is a 3rd World country. It’s true. But we’re the only 3rd world country that uses cell phones like it’s going to be the end of the world. Cell phones are very important nowadays for family members to get in touch with each other. Sometimes, it even becomes the only way for them to stay connected with their families. What with the business of people, cell phones and other handy technology becomes the solution to stay connected.

Pictures of Family Members
Because of how hard life is here in the Philippines, a lot of people try their lucks abroad. They choose to live in a very foreign and faraway place to help out their family in the Philippines. And so as to always remind them of their relatives working abroad, they put up pictures all over the house. Filipinos love to showcase things that are very important and special for them, so pictures of family members are very important inside a Filipino household.

Social Networking Sites
Then Friendster, now Facebook. Social networking websites such Twitter have been weirdly dominated by Filipinos! They've become the new source of news of a person. Because of the jam-packed schedules of each family member, and sometimes because of the miles apart, these networking sites have become the bridge between kuya, ate, mama and papa.

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